Check out these two pleasant quotes, published in the current issue of Gitarre&Bass 06/2017!
Stefan Braunschmidt (editor of G&B): „It is not only the extreme optic, but also the surprisingly comfortable handling, the absolutely superb craftsmanship and – most important – the deadly powerful tone, that makes its voice heard, even in a band like Suffocation.“
Derek Boyer (bassist of mighty Suffocation): „I haven't performed or recorded with anything other than the Trapjaw since the day I received it! I absolutely love my bass!“

Order one of our in-stock-instruments within February/March 2017 and get a free professional flightcase extra!
Over the last years we builded a lot of instruments aside our customshop work. A few of these instruments went to magazines or fairs for showcase purposes. But all of them were built with pleasure and for the fun of instrument making. But we decided, that their real purpose is to rock stages and rehearsal rooms!
Enter the Shop!

More news:
12/03/2016 The Scars Shaping
07/04/2016 PartySan Exhibition 2016
05/24/2016 Black Oak reviewed
12/16/2015 We proudly present the Black Oak Series!
11/08/2015 The Holy Grail.
08/24/2015 The Devil visits Berlin!
07/15/2015 Devil's Choice at the PartySan 2015
02/27/2015 Tremendous Trapjaw Tested!
11/21/2014 Manticore released!
05/30/2014 Festival Tour 2014
05/24/2014 TheDrop receives brilliant review in G&B!
02/01/2014 Beware of a true metalaxe!
01/18/2014 UnholyTrinity revealed!
12/14/2013 Devil's Choice exhibits at Metalbörse Cologne!
11/27/2013 Precious Tomegat reviewed in GrandGtrs.
11/12/2013 Trapjaw bass examined!
09/26/2013 Devil's Choice featured at the Legacy!
08/12/2013 PartySan - Feedback
08/01/2013 Devil's Choice at PartySan 2013!
07/02/2013 Devil's Choice instruments at CMS
05/13/2013 The new Homepage is online!
04/14/2013 Tomegat guitar got examined in "Gitarre&Bass"!
03/25/2013 The "Grand Cherry Collection - 2013"
01/21/2013 DEVIL'S CHOICE put to test!
09/18/2012 Tomegat awakes!
08/25/2012 Devil's Choice @ Facebook
08/13/2012 Trapjaw enters stage!
07/31/2012 Trapjaw rises!
05/09/2011 3 brand new models!
02/09/2011 Titel